Muran languages

Ethnicity: Mura people
Linguistic classification: Macro-Warpean ?

Muran is a small language family of Amazonas, Brazil.



Family division

Muran consists of 4 languages:

  1. Mura
  2. Pirahã (aka Pirahá, Pirahán)
  3. Bohurá
  4. Yahahí

Most Muran languages, which were spoken by few people, have died out due to the recent expansion of Brazilian Portuguese. Mura, Bohurá, and Yahahí are now extinct, and little linguistic work was done on them before extinction. Pirahã, the one surviving Muran language, is now spoken by only 300 people in eight villages.

Linguistically, the Muran family is typified by agglutinativity, a very small number of phonemes (11 compared to over 40 in English), and the use of tones.

Genealogical relations

Muran is often proposed to be related to Matanawí. Kaufman (1994) also suggests a connection with Huarpe (in his Macro-Warpean proposal).

See also

External links
